Our Commitments
We believe the Commitments we have set us apart and create a distinctive that educators and donors will find helpful in their efforts to provide a transformative educational experience.
We believe the Commitments we have set us apart and create a distinctive that educators and donors will find helpful in their efforts to provide a transformative educational experience.
We believe every human being is endowed with dignity, worth, and a capacity to learn. Therefore, we are striving to see that every student be given the opportunity to learn and grow.
We believe the education of children and adults should go beyond the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Therefore, we prioritize projects that put an emphasis on acquiring wisdom and values as well as market skill.
We partner with educational providers who align with our mission, vision, and distinctive. We also expect our partners to demonstrate sustainability, accountability, and transparency.
We believe that children and adults learn best in a positive, caring, inspiring, and organized educational environment. Establishing such an environment provides the support that each student needs to be successful.
All Gateway Global Foundation educational services and practices meet the legal requirements of the local government and pursue the educational standards established by an appropriate international accrediting body. As a global entity, we seek to promote international awareness, justice, peace, environmental responsibility, and human rights.
We pursue a human legacy – a legacy of children and adults achieving their potential in all areas of life. This is the gateway to success, but not the final destination. As the students in the projects we support discover their potential and achieve success in life, we believe they will also enrich their families and promote the well-being of the communities where they live.