Currently approved projects are located in the following countries:
Funding a Project
If you know the name of the project you would like to support, please enter it in the donation box to the right. Donations may be in any bank approved format including, for example, checks, bank drafts, donor advised funds, electronic fund transfers, Pay Pal, credit cards, debit cards, and stocks. Those seeking to designate a deferred gift, such as occurs in wills and annuities, should contact the Foundation at
Tax Deductible Receipts
If the donor wishes to receive a tax-deductible receipt for the donation, the donation must be given to the Foundation and the preferred project(s) clearly designated. The Foundation commits itself to distributing the funds in accordance with the donor’s stated wish but is legally required to retain authority over the distribution of the funds.
Because the Foundation supports a variety of educational projects in many different countries, not all projects qualify for a charitable donation receipt. In other words, while all are worthy of support, not all have an IRS recognized charitable status in the United States. In such cases, the Foundation is unable to provide the donor with a US charitable receipt. In its place the Foundation will send a letter acknowledging the gift and confirming that the Foundation has invested the gift as requested. If the Foundation is unable to endorse or fund the project, it will work with the donor to find a suitable alternative project.
Becoming a Project
Application Process
The Foundation typically funds projects which are known to it or to those with whom it works. Therefore, projects are generally considered on an invitation only basis; organizations which feel their project could qualify are welcome to submit a letter of inquiry to
Criteria and Eligibility
An invitation to apply for project status in the Foundation does not imply acceptance or a guarantee of funding. It does, however, mean that the Foundation is reasonably certain the following criteria have been met:
- The project endorses the Foundation’s Belief Statement
- The project has existed for 2 years. If not, the Foundation will qualify it as a “startup” project so that donors understand its unique challenges and opportunities.
- The project’s US charitable or non-charitable status must be clearly stated. If it is not deemed to be “charitable” in the United States, only an acknowledgement of the gift will be given along with a statement that it has been invested as designated.
- The project must follow local legal precedents for similar projects.
- The project must provide services to all without intentional discrimination. In cases where a target group is served to the exclusion of others, this focus must be for positive, educationally defensible reasons rather than for negative discriminatory reasons. For example, a project may target a particular age or interest group (e.g., musicians) in order to enhance the learning environment.
- The project must be governed by a volunteer, non-compensated board or equivalent.
- The project must have at least one fulltime staff person who oversees daily activities and general administration.
- The project must be endorsed by a credible organization or referees known to the Foundation.
Once a project is approved as a fundable project, the Foundation will work with the project’s designated manager to support it as funds are available.